June to Dec 2004 Demos, December 2004 12-04-04-4- 3:08 pm Demo Log: Start of Holly Daze
Fearless Leader: Fourth Log and Break time, DTIntermart: i WOULD THINK THAT IS TROUBLE IN THW MAKING.... Fearless Leader: are there any questions about this rediscovered feather technique Fearless Leader: Doug in NY why are you in all caps, dude! kittekattz: someone is saving the pix from this, right??? Fearless Leader: it feels you're HOLLARING DTIntermart: sorry clumsy fingers NJ miss_meme_30: bet his cap looks is on miss_meme_30: lol Kat Indpls IN: if it is unconditioned yes it would cause some problems in the long term miss_meme_30: locks miss_meme_30: dang cant type myself....lol Fearless Leader: it's just comes across as Hollaring... eeep and yow Fearless Leader: any questions about blends? DTIntermart: I ump cap lock when I type "a" Fearless Leader: or about this elusive feather technique? MountainMaMaDuke: NJ - what are the other things that you have made today? kittekattz: the webcam shots are being saved also, right?? elissaheart joined the room MountainMaMaDuke: hi elissa rickiebeth1: Hi Elissa!!!! Fearless Leader: MamaDuke, just struggling with this feather cane Fearless Leader: I made it before and then forgot how I did it elissaheart: hi! Kat Indpls IN: oh nj i'm glad you finally rediscovered it i know you been hunting this for awhile, sorry i missed demo, thank goodness for cam shots kmrhodes: Hey Elissa Kat Indpls IN: hi Elissa Fearless Leader: fell right out of my head, so I was sweating bullets making effort to do it again with two dozen people watching Fearless Leader: eeep and yow Fearless Leader: LOL elissaheart: hi karen! jill_z_q left the room jill_z_q joined the room Rossija: lol, NJ Fearless Leader: Let's do roll call since I haven't been able to look at the monitor DTIntermart: LOL Fearless Leader: NoraJean, San Francisco MountainMaMaDuke: I like the last one that you just made, the color combo is pretty, I am sure that the white and gray would be nice too! jill_z_q: suzy so calif connie_flying: Connie in Reno NV Rossija: Mary, Ohio hlynn1975: Heather, Wisconsin kittekattz: Lisa in maine kmrhodes: Clay Alley Karen, Gettysburg,PA rjchase222: Razma Fallbrook CA poonkie2: poonkie, canada MountainMaMaDuke: Pauline Marlow NH rickiebeth1: Rickie Beth in Walnut Creek, near San Francisco miss_meme_30: Missy VA pasadena_cal: Cal in CA DTIntermart: Doug NYC Kat Indpls IN: ah my favorite christmas tune, Danny Kay singing all i want for Christmas is my two front teeth elissaheart: Elissa Santa Clara, CA Kat Indpls IN: Kat Indianapolis Indiana DTIntermart: It's themost wonderfull time of the year....... jill_z_q: was listening to xmas tunes last night Since making ornaments early in the year tends to get you out of the xmas mood Fearless Leader: if you're a retailer Fearless Leader: LOL mommaclara2001: Clara, WV Fearless Leader: any questions about this technique? Fearless Leader: if not kittekattz: alrighty ... the three men in my life all need to be fed <sigh> Fearless Leader: then what shall we do next, any suggestions? Kat Indpls IN: i made a cd that has 99 christmas songs on it never knew there were that many versions of christmas songs rjchase222: can we make some neat canes? Fearless Leader: got to go feed the guys? DTIntermart: Faux Dichro? Fearless Leader: no how about some sloppy canes? kittekattz: have a great afternoon/evening/night/whatever time it is over "your" way rjchase222: LOL Fearless Leader: lol kittekattz: yep ... the "guys" need food!! LOL DTIntermart: Night kitte rickiebeth1: you too have a great day/evening/etc.. mommaclara2001: Bye Lisa Rossija: How did you get the last one? I missed what yoy did with the little pieces.... kmrhodes: Later Kitte poonkie2: good night tedi382001 joined the room Fearless Leader: Ciao Bella, see you again soon kittekattz left the room countrylady100ca: My kids is back from Library (crafts) Fearless Leader: Razma let me show you rjchase222: Got it! Fearless Leader: no chevron flip, "S" shapes stacked along a center "quill" rjchase222: this is much easier than the dcf thats for sure! miss_meme_30: the center is made how? Fearless Leader: sandwich pearl and the other color miss_meme_30: ty DTIntermart: Dcf is the only one I can do LOL rjchase222: LOL DTIntermart: that & FOD Fearless Leader: Fist of Doom? DTIntermart: LOL yup, but omly on my kids LOL Fearless Leader: are there any other clay questions? kmrhodes: okay, what kind of language are you speaking DTIntermart: Just kidding :-) Fearless Leader: we got two dozen viewers on cam, a record I think rickiebeth1: lol... Fearless Leader: the most I've ever remembered showing up pasadena_cal: Oh Doug!!! kmrhodes: dcp, fod, I am totally out of it DTIntermart: We a re speking Clay-ESE ala NJ :-) kmrhodes: more like MSATese Fearless Leader: LOL poonkie2: lost too :( Fearless Leader: FOD, fist of doom, DCF is the Dreaded chevron flip rjchase222: DCF is the dreaded chevron flip.... DTIntermart: Dreaded Chevron flip, Fist of doom DTIntermart: DCF, FOOD Fearless Leader: Are there any new Demo attendees that were not here at the beginning of demo? DTIntermart: FOD DTIntermart: =)) mommaclara2001: I don't understand Dougs language.(:| Shannon: back.... are we still deciding what to do next? Kat Indpls IN: lol rjchase222: Not to worry mommaclara!!!!! Fearless Leader: If not, then Esther is the furthest away and she gets to have next pick DTIntermart: :"> Fearless Leader: Esther, what'll it be honey? mommaclara2001: :) Fearless Leader: Since it is night time for you there in the UK rjchase222: I'm hopin NJ will make some neat/sloppy canes!!!! Fearless Leader: we got to serve you first so you can get some rest soon. DTIntermart: yea ofr som Faux Dichro DTIntermart: or Shannon: cool RJ! poonkie2: maybe something Christmas related? rjchase222: oooooooooooo yes xmas canes!!!!! heehee miss_meme_30: brb need a break Fearless Leader: Let's see if Esther has a preference, it's night time for her there in the UK MountainMaMaDuke: NJ have you worked out a holly cane? DTIntermart: Candy Canes LOL Fearless Leader: then we'll move through the time zones coming westward jill_z_q: candy canes are easy Kat Indpls IN: that reminds me i got to try that Faux Dichro kit i got here somewhere Kat Indpls IN: now that i got free clay time jill_z_q: two ropes and twist Kat Indpls IN: peppermint swirl candy DTIntermart: No I meant a candy cane cane jill_z_q: oh Fearless Leader: Holly Daze, Pauline I'll get the link connie_flying left the room Fearless Leader: http://www.norajean.com/New_Projects/HollyDaze/Index.htm DTIntermart: I am learning wire wrap to wrp 500 pces of dichro I have and 500 more on the way DTIntermart: Yikes rickiebeth1: that is a LOT of pieces Fearless Leader: Folks, in that Holly Daze section there's some Christmas ideas Fearless Leader: Well Esther must be taking care of the baby, because she's not responded to an offer of special request. DTIntermart: yea and I may be getting more so far I wrapped one looked so-so. Fearless Leader: Let's move to the East Coast of the States... who on the east coast has a request, if I have the supplies or colors of clay we can give it effort. MountainMaMaDuke: Can you make a holly leaf cane? hlynn1975: I love to wire wrap :) Kat Indpls IN: Peace on Earth Pa rumpa pa pa DTIntermart: Im in ny DTIntermart: NYC Kat Indpls IN: Crosby and Bowie hm like this one too DTIntermart: kat that isa a great one... MountainMaMaDuke: or at least some version to put together single leaves of a Holly poonkie2: I'm on the east coast too, but not of the US. kmrhodes left the room DTIntermart: Nj can you do faudicro? MountainMaMaDuke: what part of Canada do you live in? poonkie2: Near Montreal, Quebec Fearless Leader: sorry I was talking to someone Kat Indpls IN: Doug go to the sculpey site they have a tut for the faux dichro using the foils miss_meme_30 left the room MountainMaMaDuke: Cool! Fearless Leader: Pauline let me see if I have some leaf sections around here DTIntermart: KOOL thanx kat MountainMaMaDuke: OK! thanks Kat Indpls IN: you be more then welcome Kat Indpls IN: there are two types of faux dichro out there, one requiring a pricey kit and one using the foils miss_meme_30 joined the room Kat Indpls IN: DCF miss_meme_30: please toss me some rope Shannon: lasooing Missy! Kat Indpls IN: okay everyone hand meme all your spare super glue miss_meme_30: ty ty ty miss_meme_30: yahoo does not like me today DTIntermart: I heard it can be done w/ foil & inks too w/ trans alixnc joined the room miss_meme_30: hi pamela rickiebeth1: Hi Pamela Kat Indpls IN: yeah like the foils not to happy with the inks though Kat Indpls IN: and very messy rickiebeth1: which inks did you use? alixnc: Hi all had to work DTIntermart: Oh, t hat's what I was affraid of KAT Kat Indpls IN: pinata, but i want the new ones you got Rickie <vbg> kmrhodes joined the room miss_meme_30: i wish i could afford to get all this stuff rickiebeth1: OK, just email me.... DTIntermart: I tried it with pinata inks turned to a messy smear Kat Indpls IN: right now i'm playing with the Byzantia heat set paints though they are so yummy rickiebeth1: they look very interesting..i have some of them also.. kmrhodes: there is always something yummy to play with miss_meme_30: i want some of the genesis paint jill_z_q: you guys would like my fiesta beads Kat Indpls IN: Rickie can the refills be used without the pads, i don't need no more stamp pads around here Kat Indpls IN: i did my rainbow beads with them and i love them DTIntermart: how a bout using liquid pearls? miss_meme_30: do u have pics suzy(hope thats right) rickiebeth1: yes, the re-inkers can be used by themselves MountainMaMaDuke: thanks NJ jill_z_q: Here are some pics of my beads jill_z_q: http://www.jillzq.com/gallerytb.html Shannon: that looked easy enough NJ! Kat Indpls IN: i love paints, course it helps that our guild meets in Prizm Art Supply store i get to try all kinds Kat Indpls IN: okay i need to get just those then Rickie rickiebeth1: that is how some people use them..Kat, just with a paint brush ..or finger-tip Fearless Leader: actually we need to do a different leaf construction for the Holly, no chevron flip on this one, separate cells, done as jelly roll blends, Fearless Leader: http://www.norajean.com/index.html Shannon: ok! Fearless Leader: check the One Tile Tute on this page please MountainMaMaDuke: that is why I asked, I can't seem to put one together Fearless Leader: Before I do this I'm going to do my biologicals, it goes in - it comes out, brb mommaclara2001: I am sorry friends, but I have to go. Have company. Shannon: ok.... bye Mom! :-* mommaclara2001: Thank you Nora Jean. kmrhodes: bye Clara poonkie2: bye Clara mommaclara2001: Bye Shan rickiebeth1: by M. Clara rickiebeth1: have a great afternoon/evening mommaclara2001: Bye:x=; mommaclara2001 left the room countrylady100ca: My hubby is making supper .. Ahhhh Nice break Smile Shannon: good deal Sonya! DTIntermart: Jill, very nice beads! rickiebeth1: my husband made dinner last night...it is always a good thing jill_z_q: thanks :) tedi382001 left the room MountainMaMaDuke: The Holy Daze photo looks pretty close! rickiebeth1: Jill where are your beads? jill_z_q: http://www.jillzq.com/gallerytb.html rjchase222: Well I'm tryin to fix my dh something to eat & watch the demo at the same time. Not easy! Shannon: me too RJ jill_z_q: lol MountainMaMaDuke: brb, all this talk about food has made me hungry! rjchase222: and of course he wants to eat right when NJ is goin to show me a new technque!!!!! :) Shannon: LOL sorry Mount! countrylady100ca: Only good thing is my hubby know how to cook unlike my father can burn but good at BQ Shannon: gonna have to lay the law down RJ! ;-) Shannon: cool! Sonya! rjchase222: Well I have pretty well cut back on cookin thats for sure! Lynn..Lvmypolymerclay: PB & J a wonderful thing rickiebeth1: Peanut butter ....& J..? Lynn..Lvmypolymerclay: Jelly Lynn..Lvmypolymerclay: or jam if you like rjchase222: jelly!heehee countrylady100ca: :)) jill_z_q: peanut butter and honey yum rickiebeth1: that is what I thought...a favorite of my husbnads rickiebeth1: honey is his very favorite food alixnc: jill .. bookmarked your beads .. thumbnails look great Lynn..Lvmypolymerclay: mine hates peanut butter so I have to cook countrylady100ca: We are teaching our boys at will be 12 adn 9 years to cooking jill_z_q: thanks :) elissaheart left the room elissaheart joined the room rickiebeth1: Yes, Jill, your beads look wonderful!! jill_z_q: my webpage is a work in progress technically not openb lol rjchase222: never to young to learn how to cook Lynn..Lvmypolymerclay: I already made a quiche for tomorrow and mondays breakfast and tonight I'm making home made sloopy joes Lynn..Lvmypolymerclay: or sloppy joes Fearless Leader: back and I got something to eat too countrylady100ca: OH No rickiebeth1: Wow,,planning ahead Lynn.. countrylady100ca: OOPs I think we talking aboug food make NJ hungry Fearless Leader: Karen and Cal don't get on my case kmrhodes: Nope, we just supervise Lynn..Lvmypolymerclay: its from a healthy eating book and spreads out over a few days of leftovers so I don't have to cook everyday kmrhodes: so she can maintain DTIntermart: Speaking of food, NJ have you eaten? countrylady100ca: LOL Fearless Leader: Ok, this Holly leaf will start with a blend, but we'll do the twist and press 6 times, then we'll roll it into a jelly roll. Lynn..Lvmypolymerclay: she did Fearless Leader: Just had a quick bite just now kmrhodes: yeah, see. we are getting everyone into the act kmrhodes: make sure she eats Fearless Leader: I can't get away with anything with you guys Fearless Leader: LOL alixnc: May I see just one quick shpt pf what you did in feather cane? Lynn..Lvmypolymerclay: I had to eat earlier, I was getting that shaky, woggy, yuck feeling DTIntermart: GOOD NJ! :D pasadena_cal: Good leader is sheparded by flock Fearless Leader: amen Cal Fearless Leader: So are there any questions before I start on this blend, I'm using colors that aren't really holly colors Fearless Leader: so we can see some contrast rjchase222: go for it NJ Lynn..Lvmypolymerclay: none here Rossija: What would you ordinarily use for holly, NJ? alixnc: Even mother nature does variegation Rossija: missed that.... Guess the super glue didn't help. Fearless Leader: Left to my own devices, a dark green with brown, or dark green with gold for some mica shimmer kmrhodes: gotta go gals and guys kmrhodes: have a great demo kmrhodes: see ya later Rossija: Missy's gotta reboot this time. She'll be back. Lynn..Lvmypolymerclay: bye karen MountainMaMaDuke: see ya Karen Shannon: bye Karen elissaheart: bye Karen Fearless Leader: See ya Karen meplus5kids left the room poonkie2: byre Karen Rossija: bye Karen rickiebeth1: By Karen. alixnc: bye Karen esther_reeves: bye Karen DTIntermart: what do you guys tink of this? http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=2134848250&idx=6 DTIntermart: Think DTIntermart: It's my first attmpt at wire wrap, well thw first one that stayed on :-) poonkie2: blurred image..... :-O rickiebeth1: the image is too blurred to see the details, Doug Rossija: can't see the wire wrapping.... hlynn1975: I can't really see it rickiebeth1: the colors are pretty DTIntermart: yea I cnt figure out how to get a clear pic, it's so shiny DTIntermart: WIRE on top & bottom Shannon: did you try indirect lighting Doug? jill_z_q: doug is trying to make us go crossed eyed countrylady100ca left the room DTIntermart: yes it reflects in the dichro & blurs, and the falsh makes it worse... countrylady100ca joined the room DTIntermart: sorry Jill Shannon: how about natural daylight....no flash? jill_z_q: yeah I take all my pics outside :) alixnc: If you are using a digital camera, it can solve low light probs better than glare DTIntermart: Hmm, I have to try that... when we have a sunny day whhich aint often,,, Shannon: LOL DTIntermart: Alix that is a good point... jill_z_q: you don't need a sunny day alixnc: rotat flas to bounce bqac at <45 degrees from piture plane DTIntermart: wont it be too gary on a cloudy day? Shannon: I hate it when things are too gary.... ;-) DTIntermart: Cant rotate the flash it's fixed in one angle.... Shannon: might cover your flash with something DTIntermart: LOL gary = gray countrylady100ca left the room hlynn1975: DT, if things are to cloudy get one of the reveal bulbs and put it in a desk lamp that you shine on the piece. Its almost as good as sunlight Shannon: hehehe DTIntermart: =)) countrylady100ca joined the room alixnc: LMAO claylady hard bouncing bqac too jill_z_q: only problem with it be cloudy is it might be too dark outside and the flash will go off Shannon: bqac??? meplus5kids joined the room jill_z_q: back jill_z_q: you need to learn typonese Shannon ;) poonkie2: do you have a digital camera? alixnc: just my rotten typing DTIntermart: Yes Shannon: LOL poonkie2: did you try macro Shannon: I thought it was one of those initial words.... LOL jill_z_q: shoots everything in macro DTIntermart: I did that was macro.. standard came out white... jill_z_q: Just take it outside in the morning and take a pic :) alixnc: no, just severe dysgraphia ... according to the tests, my Handwriting IQ is 67 poonkie2: try manual Fearless Leader: ok, see the ribbon the blend made? jill_z_q: cause its 6 there right? rossija9 left the room Rossija (rossija9) joined the room rjchase222: yep got it NJ Fearless Leader: we have dark green on one end and light green on the other jill_z_q: yeah you and rest of us Alix :P MountainMaMaDuke: Someone told me a trick with digital cameras, put your finger across half of the flash sensor, it does cut down the whiteness of a photo Fearless Leader: we'll roll this up like a jelly roll with the light green in the center and the dark green as the outer edge Kat Indpls IN: i used to make my teachers mad by writing some of my papers backwords MountainMaMaDuke: mine takes closeups too white, and long distances too dark rickiebeth1: KAT!!!! poonkie2: i used to have problems taking pictures but now, I use manual settings rickiebeth1: funny DTIntermart: That is a good Idea Poonkie Kat Indpls IN: lol i write backwards and can read upside down drives ppl nutzzz rickiebeth1: so can I.. jill_z_q: isn't that dyslexia? poonkie2: So, no more problems, even if it's dark outside Fearless Leader: For new clayers, this is what I refer to as the Jelly Roll blend pasadena_cal: Reading upside down - Most important when going to DR's office Kat Indpls IN: form of it, your right side of your brain is suppose to go with the left side of your body and vise versa well mine doesnt LOL Fearless Leader: we do a blend and then roll it up rickiebeth1: not if done intentional..I do not think alixnc: jill one form of dyslexia poonkie2: took me 2 months to figure it out.... Fearless Leader: it gives a look of highlight and shadow MountainMaMaDuke: got you so far NJ Kat Indpls IN: can write with both left and right hands and only play sports with my left hand Shannon: looks pretty just like that! Kat Indpls IN: so guess you could say im and south and north paw LMAO rjchase222: Yes I've done this now what cause this is all the farther I've ever gotten with it! Fearless Leader: now before I reduce it I have to save log and send, go out and come back in. |
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