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5 Acres of Fear Creations official website for "Freak Rock" ... Nate came up with that term.

This page gathers up the various items made with the 5 acres of fear cane. I didn't take pictures of the making of the cane because I was watching "Carnivale" with Jack and I can only do so many things at one time.

09-20-09: Five Acres of Fear fishing swivel, 09-26-09: Five Acres of Fear Finished, 09-28-09: Ring Start, 10-04-09 5AoF Clip On Earrings
10-04-09 5AoF Clip On Earrings: The how-to on sandwiching a clip on earring finding between two layers of clay, in spite of a miscalculation in the beginning of the experiment.


09-28-09: Ring Start

I say start because these are the first polymer clay rings I've made. I had to make a ring mandrel and figure out how to use it with raw polymer clay.

09-26-09: Five Acres of Fear Finished

While we watched 4 more episodes of "Carnivāle" I did the wet sanding and finish on the 5 Acres of Fear swag. As you can see Jack is hella happy. The band will see them at the next rehearsal.

09-20-09: Five Acres of Fear

The use of a Super Swivel from Laker as a jewelry finding. Fishermen beware, your clayer girlfriend or wife will be raiding the tackle box.


Monthly Highlights Since 8/2003

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