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Brummett Coat of Arms I had to link that page somewhere because I get lost in my own website.

Family Index: Gathering up the various family pictures and giving them an index.

Elly, Kenoka, Nathan, Dylan

July 13, 2014 - Elly (the dog) Kenoka Wagner (my second born son) Nathan (just turned 10) and Dylan ( who is 7 years old)
Carl, Lisa-Nathan, Dylan

June 14, 2014 - My eldest son Carl Wagner, Nathan, DIL- Lisa, and Dylan
Family Selfie — at 1st Street Beach Ocean City NJ
Rhiannon 2014Rhiannon Stone 2014

The families are being brought together after 9 years and my grand daughter will be visiting us soon.

My thanks to everyone involved with bringing loving peace to everyone so this could happen.
Miles and SimonSimon Stone, 8/3/2014

Looking either pensive or ironic.
Miles Stone, 8/3/2014

Always pensive and Ironic.
August 2014 ToshMy third born son, Tosh, who lives with me and without whom I would not have been able to keep my apartment after my divorce.

Astrologically: His Gemini Sun conjuncts my Gemini Moon. His Cancer Venus conjunct my Cancer Mars.

Living together is very easy.
Jedi Said10-14-13  Said Chadly

My youngest son, fourth born.

"Jedi robe from Amazon check... force not included."

06-23-2011: I guess I should have asked Lisa to take more than one photo of me and my oldest grandsons. We will have to admit this picture is "real". I'm trying to pull Simon's hands away from his face and Miles is trying to still look cool, regardless of who his relatives are.

I still can't get over this picture. Miles will be 15 in December and Simon just turned 12 and they are just behaving perfectly for their age.

It was a delight to have my grandsons come and visit for 4 days in a row.

It's been a handful of years since we've seen them, with some sad and difficult events in the interim. But now this part of the family is reunited and I must say thanks to my former daughter in law, Lisa, for being instrumental in bringing the boys back into our lives. It's good to have her back in our lives as well.

06-20-11: Lisa, Miles and Simon come to visit. Miles and Simon are my oldest grandsons. It was great to have them come and visit and everyone seemed to have a good time. Grandma forgot to have someone take a picture of her. Next time maybe.
September 2010: Miles, 13 years and Simon, 11 years old.
Rhiannon, a couple of year ago. She's 9 years old now.
Nathan, first grade photo, 2010.
Dylan, pre school photo, 2010
06-20-09: Summer Solstice eve 2009: ClayMates: You know I've been going through a big re-org. Below is an explanation of why I've been MIA at CITY-o-Clay. I share this because the worst is over and there's good times ahead. 

New Space for a new life  here are the pictures of my transformed space, still boxes and boards, a work in process, but it's my space and I'm loving it, along with loving my new life.

04-24-09: Spider Pinata - Amy's 25th birthday, she wanted a spider pinata because of the Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode. I didn't see the episode and I'm glad I didn't because I would have tried to make an exact copy of their spider pinata. Instead I went with my classic leopard spot. Scroll down for captions.
05-11-08 Mother's Day Index

My youngest son, Said Chadly, wanted to cook Mother's Day dinner for me.
03-28-08: Computer wrestling.

05-31-07 Blue Moon: Some things happen rarely, like this second full moon in a month, today's full moon. So these two pictures are the "Once in a blue moon" collection. Family events that are special and rare.

03-12-09: I lost 30 pounds and am still chipping away at sculpting myself.

Two Weeks - 05/18/07: Today marks the second week of working out every day for 2 hours.

On the day my fifth grandchild was born I signed up at the local gym. This is the start of the chronicle of my sculpting my self.

May 2007, it was this picture that made motivated me to go to the gym. Unlike other women who look at the mirror and see themselves heavier, I look in the mirror and see myself svelte.

This was taken at the Cherry Blossom Festival that I went with Said, Bushyaib, and Amy.

05/11/07: My fifth grandchild. Dylan Bruce Wagner, joining the happy three you see in the upper right corner of this home page. That's my oldest son, Carl Benjamin Yoichi Wagner, his wife Lisa and their first son, Nathan.

05/06/07: I just wanted to post something with that date. This is a shot of my "Blood Red" hair color. It's part of my Second Saturn Return Transformation.  I had to take a picture of it before sharing it with the ClayMates at CITY-o-Clay.

Buddy on the work table

07-26-06: I thought that only cats did this

07-15-06 Work Table: Showing the BBQ bamboo skewer drying rack. More on this vein can be seen in the 2007 Worktable section.

11-03-05 View

09/04/05 Praise GOD! Sherry and Butch Kuttner, Picayune, Mississippi are ALIVE

10-02-05 Hurricane Katrina

July 20, 2005 What's on my work table. After being MIA for a while and having my grand daughter over for a handful of days...

May 30, 2005: Here are a couple of pictures of the children of my third born son.  Miles is 7 going on 8, Simon just turned 6, Rhiannon is 2 1/2. Sifu Tosh teaches Kung Fu and is 30.



Nathan, Lisa and Yoichi - my first born son

2004 was a busy year and no family pictures were taken. Tons of webcam demos, boatloads of tutorials, new experiments and m y work table always looked like this.

02-28-03: Getting ready for Jury Duty I feel pressured to dress straight when going to jury duty. I know some folks show up like they are heading for a casual day at the park, but that never felt right to me.  On this day while at the Civic Center, I had a stranger come up to me and ask me for directions to a particular office in City Hall.

I figured... "I fooled them into thinking I'm a 'normal sort of office gal'... he he he"

1999 My uncle Masuhiko. I showed him a bunch of polymer clay experiments and we talked tech. He touched my nose with his finger tip and said, "I got your number." He passed in 2007, broke my heart. Check out his website, which is being kept alive by my cousins in Japan.

November 1999

And it hasn't gotten much more organized that this. Just ended up shifting the monitor to the left and the piles ended up accreting up the wall like some soft of art supply fungus.

01-27-06: Mom and the girls A couple of pictures of my mother, older sister Linda, my younger sister Suzanne, and me.

1984 Sestina - From Wikipedia: A sestina is a highly structured poem consisting of six six-line stanzas followed by a tercet (called its envoy or tornada), for a total of thirty-nine lines. The same set of six words ends the lines of each of the six-line stanzas, but in a different order each time; if we number the first stanza's lines 123456, then the words ending the second stanza's lines appear in the order 615243, then 364125, then 532614, then 451362, and finally 246531. This organization is referred to as retrogradatio cruciata ("retrograde cross"). These six words then appear in the tercet as well, with the tercet's first line usually containing 1 and 2, its second 3 and 4, and its third 5 and 6 (but other versions exist, described below). English sestinas are usually written in iambic pentameter or another decasyllabic meter.


Monthly Highlights Since 8/2003

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