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Highlights Index January 2008

All blog posts will be un-linked. Two blogs disappeared when I changed webhosts 4/2012.

01-05-08: Brain Massage - blogs and brain fitness, 01-03-08: Side Cut Pendant, 01-03-08: Side Cut Mirror, 01-03-08: Tiger Eye Snakes, 01-05-08 some books I'd recommend, The Hidden Tomatoes


The Hidden Tomatoes 01-21-06, I was so disappointed with these mini tomato canes I didn't bother to link them to the food index, the salad index and now that some time has passed I'm over being disappointed. Just Thumbnails no captions.

01-05-08 through the end of the month has to be rebuilt.
01-05-08 some books I'd recommend


Some of the writers I've fallen in love with lately.


01-03-08: Tiger Eye Snakes Using scraps from the Tigers Eye Beads and making snakes.

01-03-08: Side Cut Mirror: The trick of cutting the cane slice from the side for a mirror image.

01-03-08: Side Cut Pendant: A continuation of the experiment with the Side Cut Mirror technique. That's why the number starts at 7.

01-05-08: Brain Massage - blogs and brain fitness

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