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Highlights Index March 2008

All blog posts will be un-linked. Two blogs disappeared when I changed webhosts 4/2012., 03-28-08: Computer wrestling, Strange Art: US-Mexico-Drug-Money

(03-30-08) Strange Art: US-Mexico-Drug-Money It's not a pile of money, it's a blank canvas.
This is the first edit with the new computer. Bronze the moment. 03-29-08
03-28-08: Computer wrestling.
03-21-08: Razma mentioned in an off list note to me that I've
been a bit quiet as of late. This is what I've been

The screen shots from webcam demos need to be saved
before Epson photo storage closes down for good. I'm
just about done saving the pictures.

The next thing I need to do is get them up on pages
like these...

After that's done I need to change all the links on my
website that point to those Epson albums and have them
point to these new pages. 

It's a time consuming effort and I can't even focus on
the pro bono claymation project until the pictures are
saved at least. 

Monthly Highlights Since 8/2003

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