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Books: For more suggested reading. "Runagate-Rampant" Polymer Clay Sculpture Index

The Wiki on China Miéville

"He is fond of describing his work as "weird fiction" (after early 20th century pulp and horror writers such as H. P. Lovecraft), and belongs to a loose group of writers sometimes called New Weird who consciously attempt to move fantasy away from commercial, genre clichés of Tolkien epigons...."


Perdido Street Station by CHINA MIÉVILLE is the inspiration for this series of sculptures.

Da Man

Da Man - 2

07-09-09: Some of you might not know how much I love China Mieville. When Bushyaib told me that there’s a new book coming out we got very excited. So I blogged about it.


Another book James came waving at me hollering "You Got To Read This!" CHINA MIÉVILLE's "Perdido Street Station" ISBN # 0-345-45940-7

Dark, dense and compellingly readable. There's images of strange races that are so unique you can feel the synapses in your head snap, crackle and pop like Rice Krispies. Prose that is more like dangerous poetry.

There's use of magic with Victorian Steam Punk machinery that dredge up mythical creatures that are as beautiful as they are horrifying.  Like life, there are no happy endings and the bad guys don't get brought to justice.

Beetles Study Page

Bugging out with some famous ladies: Mata Hari, Xev and Kathy Griffin. This is sort of what I'm going to be aiming for with the sculpture inspired by  Perdido Street Station.


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