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Current Rants and Recent Rambles

Monthly Highlights vs The Tute List

08-17-08 Update 02-01-06

08-17-08 Update: My former webhost hosed my site three times. So the highlights for 2008 are all on the highlight index page. The highlights for 2007 are being rebuilt. Dagnabbit. All great plans of mice and polymer clay artists are for naught if one doesn't have really current back ups. 

During the month I add clay efforts and rambles to my home page and to the index for monthly highlights.

At the turn of the month I remove the previous month's items off of my home page and highlights index give them a page of their own. If I've spent more time wrestling tech a couple of months could be put on one page.

The highlights index will have a link to each passing month until the turn of the year. When the year changes everything on the Highlights page will go to a page that is an overview of the year.

This is a way to find seasonal items. Looking for Winter things, check the winter months for various years. If you knew you were at a demo on a particular date and want to find the demologs or screen shots for that, go to the year and the month in question.

This chronological approach is to supplement the Tutorial page, which is organized by way of type of effort: Mini Food, Tins or Flower and Leaves.


Monthly Highlights Since 8/2003

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ComboTutes: New and old stuff

 First Three Years - Biz-Archive

NJ Archive 1997-1999